Deep Tow Magnetometer

The Deep Tow Magnetometer system (down to 6,000 m) consists of deepsea underwater component pressure housings along with equipment to enable topside real-time communications. Besides the electronics, three sensors are included; A small WHOI-packaged “Minimag” fluxgate magnetometer provides a 4 Hz data 3-axis measurements of the local magnetic field. A combined deepsea altimeter and pressure depth sensor provides its own 4 Hz data stream to document the position of the towmag above the seafloor. Power is provided by one or two Deep Sea Power and Light (DSPL) 24 volt SeaBatteries, providing over 35 amp-hours each to the system. The system was designed and assambled at the Magnetic group facility, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Frame was produced at the Machine Shop, BGU.